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Luau Party Supplies
Customer Service
Sales Tax
We only collect sales tax for orders shipped to an address in Ohio.

Federal and state laws require a company to collect sales tax from customers who receive merchandise from a state in which the company has offices or warehouses.  Luau Express only has offices and warehouses in the state of Ohio.  For this reason, we are only required to collect sales tax on orders shipped within the state of Ohio.  For all other states, we do not collect sales tax. 800-295-9091

Coconut Cups, Hawaiian Hula Skirts, Inflatable Palm Trees,
Limbo Games, Luau Party Decorations, Luau Scene Setters, Raffia Grass Table Skirts,
Silk Leis, Thatched Umbrella Covers, Tiki Torches & Luau Party Ideas.
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